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Showing posts from March, 2017

Strawberry fair - examination tasks

Health and fitness - vocabulary exersices

I.  Use the words in the list to complete the passage: cure      evidence      exercise      fast foods      healthiest      heart attacks      illnesses      increase      obesity      overeating      sedentary      weight   In the last forty years, more and more people in Western countries like the U.S.A., Great Britain and Australia have become very overweight, a condition that doctors call  . In the last twenty years obesity rates have also increased in developing countries, especially among young people who have been targeted by advertisements for Western like hamburgers, pizzas, deep-fried chicken and donuts. Obesity is a very serious health problem because obese people have a much higher chance of developing many serious ...

Writing7 FCE Reviews

Writing 6- FCE Articles

Writing -5 FCE Reports

Writing -4 FCE Argumentative essays

Writing -3 FCE Letters

Health and fitness.

Writing - 2 FCE Writng a narrative (stories- factual reports)

Homework for Alexander и для других...