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Cinema and TV in our life

Список слов к топику Cinema

way of life – образ жизни
vehicle – средство выражения, распространения
possibilities – возможности
unlimited – безграничный, неограниченный, многочисленный
contemporary – современный
appreciate – оценивать, высоко ценить, понимать
unique – не имеющий подобных или равных, единственный в своем роде, уникальный
to secure – сохранить, укрепить, гарантировать, обеспечивать, приобретать
instruction – предписание, инструкция, указание, обучение
entertainment – развлечение, увеселение
feature film – художественный фильм
horror film – фильм ужасов
thriller film – сенсационный фильм, боевик
popular science film – научно-популярный фильм
travelogue – фильм о путешествиях
mystery – детектив
documentary – документальный фильм
animated cartoon – мультипликационный фильм
color – цветной
black-and-white – черно-белый
full-length film – полнометражный фильм
short film – короткометражный фильм
sound film – звуковой фильм
silent film – немой фильм
dubbed (in) film – дублированный фильм
three-dimensional film – стереофильм
wide-screen film – широкоформатный фильм
to be short of time – иметь мало времени
more frequently – более часто
amusing – забавный, смешной
nowadays – в наше время
true-to-life film – реалистический, правдивый фильм
ordinary – обычный, заурядный
to move deeply – глубоко тронуть
to arouse a feeling of sympathy or hatched – вызывать чувство симпатии или ненависти
to leave a deep and lasting impression upon smb. – оставить глубокое незабываемое впечатление
newsreel – кинохроника, киножурнал
to be popular with… - быть популярным среди…
to arrange – устраивать, организовывать
billion – биллион (в Англии – миллион миллионов; в Америке – тысяча миллионов)
to be equipped with – быть оборудованным, снаряженным
to fear – бояться, опасаться
to soar – парить, высоко летать, подняться ввысь
inexpensive - недорогой

Cinemas and Films. Кинотеатры и фильмы.

cinema-goer – любитель кино
a film is on (running) – фильм идет, демонстрируется
film star – кинозвезда
spectator – зритель
picture (film, movie) – фильм
cinema (movie, picture) – кино
cinema hall – кинозал
cinema theatre – кинотеатр
cinema (movie) fan – большой любитель кино
to go to the pictures (movies), cinema – ходить в кино
documentary film (documentary) – документальный фильм
educational film – учебный фильм, учебное кино
popular scientific (science) film – научно-популярный фильм
science fiction film – научно-фантастический фильм
feature film – художественный фильм
animated cartoon film (cartoon) – мультипликационный фильм
travelogue – фильм о путешествиях
adventure film – приключенческий фильм
song-studded film – музыкальный фильм (фильм с большим количеством песен)
comedy (comical) film – кинокомедия
concert film – фильм-концерт
theatrical film – фильм-спектакль
stunt – сенсационный фильм (фильм с трюками)
thriller film (thriller) – триллер (сенсационный фильм, боевик)
mystery film – детективный фильм
musical film (musical) – музыкальный фильм
revue film (review. revue) – фильм-ревю, киноревю
melodrama (soap opera) – мелодрама («мыльная опера»)
pantomime – пантомима
horror film – фильм ужасов
tragedy – трагедия
gags (comic turns) – комические трюки (номера)
lampoon – острая сатира
slapstick – фарс, грубый юмор
newsreel – кинохроника, киножурнал
burlesque – пародия
films made jointly with foreign companies – фильмы современного производства с иностранными киностудиями
amateur motion film – любительский фильм
screen – экран
set – декорация, съемочная площадка
color film – цветной фильм
black-and-white film – черно-белый фильм
mute (silent) film – немое кино
sound film – звуковой фильм
dubbed (in) film – дублированный фильм
full-length motion film – полнометражный фильм
short-length motion film (short) – короткометражный фильм
stereoscopic (three-dimensional film) – стереофильм
Cinerama film – панорамный фильм
one-realer – короткометражный фильм
two-realer – фильм в двух частях (двухсерийный фильм)

Screening. Экранизация.

to screen a novel (a story) – экранизировать роман (рассказ)
the screen version of the novel (story) – экранизированный вариант романа (рассказа)
script (scenario) – сценарий
scriptwriter – сценарист
to shoot a film (to produce) – снимать фильм
studio – съемочный павильон
to act (to play) on the screen – играть в фильме
to dub (in) the film – дублировать фильм
understudy – дублер
foreign version – иностранный вариант фильма
to release – выпускать фильм на экран
to come out – появляться (о фильме)
shot – кадр
still – рекламная фотография кадра
caption (subtitle) – титр
close-up – кадр крупным планом

Advertisement. Реклама.

to advertise a film – рекламировать фильм
billboard – место для афиш
color poster – цветная афиша
announcement – объявление
the first (the second) show commences at (ends at) – первый (второй) сеанс начинается (оканчивается) в
adults only – фильм нельзя смотреть детям до 16 лет.
popularity – популярность
poster – афиша, плакат

At the Booking-Office. В билетной кассе.

to book the seats (tickets) in advance – купить билеты заранее
pay box (ticket booth), box-office (booking-office) – билетная касса (театральная)

to line up in the queue – стоять в очереди
to stand in the queue
to get on the line (am.)
to stand in the line (am.)

the performance (show) – сеанс
evening (morning) performance – вечерний (утренний) сеанс
empty seat – свободное место
to move over – пересесть
to feel one’s way to the seats – находить место в зале наощупь
extra-ticket – лишний билет
usher – билетер
usherette – билетерша

Cinema Actors and Cinema Workers. Актеры и работники кино.

actor – актер
actress – актриса
star (film star) – ведущая актриса (актер)
to star – сниматься в главной роли
to star in a role – сниматься в роли
comedian – комедийный актер
to act in small roles – сниматься в эпизодических ролях
cast – состав (действующих) исполнителей
all-star cast – первоклассный состав
stunt – каскадер
understudy – дублер
stand-in – дублер (дублирующий основного исполнителя)
dubber- звукооператор дубляжа
(film) producer – продюсер фильма
director – режиссер-постановщик
camera man – оператор
art director – художник (фильма)
extra (film-super) – статист

Exchange of Impressions. Обмен впечатлениями.

the pilot of the film is thrilling. – содержание фильма захватывающее.

It is beyond comparison! – он вне сравнения!

It is beneath criticism! – он ниже всякой критики!

It is above praise! – он выше всяких похвал!

It is worth seeing! - его стоит посмотреть!

The film is really astonishing! – фильм действительно изумительный!

The scene is fascinating! – фильм действительна!

the film reflects – в фильме отражен

the film leaves a deep and lasting impression upon – фильм производит глубокое и

незабываемое впечатление на

to create a true-to-life image – создать реалистический (правдивый) образ

while watching the film I was most impressed by – в фильме больше всего меня поразило (впечатлило)

it appeals to the deep and profound interest – он вызывает глубокий интерес

the film deals with – в фильме рассказывается

the plot centers around – содержание фильма сконцентрировано

Additional Words and Expressions:

Let’s go to the cinema (movies). – Пойдемте в кино.

What’s on at the cinema? – Что сегодня в кино? (Что идет сегодня?)

What’s the film like? – Что это за фильм?

Where is the film playing? – В каком кинотеатре идет фильм?

Two tickets for 10 p.m. show, please. – два билета на 10 вечера, пожалуйста.

Do you think we can get the tickets for this show? – Как Вы думаете, мы сможем взять билеты на этот сеанс?

The film won a prize at the festival. – Этот фильм получил премию на фестивале.

Who’s in this film? – Кто снимался в этом фильме?

This film was the season’s hit. – Этот фильм имел огромный успех в прошлом сезоне.

How did you like the film? – Как тебе понравился фильм?

I didn’t understand very much. – Я многого не понял.

The film made a great impression on me. – Фильм произвел на меня сильное впечатление.

This film is a great success. – Этот фильм пользуется.

The film is based on real life. – Фильм построен на реальных фактах.

Who wrote the script? – Кто написал сценарий?

Who produced the film? – Кто поставил фильм?

Who stars on this film? – Кто из известных актеров снимается в этом фильме?

Which of English, American film actors is your favorite? – Кто из английских, американских актеров Вам нравится больше всего?

What do you think about this film? – Что ты думаешь об этом фильме?

The film is rather interesting (sad, boring, funny, dragged-out, sentimental). – Фильм достаточно интересный (грустный, скучный, растянутый, сентиментальный).

The film is very popular with cinema-goers. – Фильм пользуется огромной популярностью среди зрителей.


Are you a film fan? How often do you go to the cinema? Which films do you prefer (educational, political, detective, adventure stories, thrillers, musicals, documentaries)? Do you watch them in the cinema or as home videos?

Name the films/cartoons you like best, the actors of the past who impressed you most of all.

What Russian/Soviet film makers do you know? What films were made by them? When were they shot? What cast performed in them?

Speak about a film director and his films (an actor/actress) that you like most of all and his/her roles in the films.

Films are nothing more than a series of still pictures passing before our eyes so rapidly that we think they are moving. It is an optical trick. That illusion of movement was first noted in 1824 by an English physician Peter Mark Roget but the invention of the motion picture doesn’t belong only to one person. There were representatives of different nations and countries. Thomas Alva Edison was among them, and in 1896 he demonstrated a projecting kinetoscope. The cinematograph based on it was invented by the brothers Lumiere, and they became the first producers of very short films. The first films lasted a minute and showed the realities of life such as workers leaving a factory.

At first the commercial potential of film was not realized and only in 1906 the first picture palaces appeared in Britain; the USA followed in its steps but there were no special buildings. They were converted stores. People paid a nickel (a five cent coin) to see about an hour’s worth of film. There were a lot of technical problems and they often resulted in public rage.

Step by step the film industry was developing, and making films turned into a blend of art and technique. The USA became the pioneer in this sphere and in 1912 the first feature film was released. It lasted 90 minutes and told a story. At the same time the theatre owners became aware that the public would be attracted by better equipped and more comfortable theatres. There was one more serious drawback of the films – they were silent. The actors had to play unnaturally.

Mary Pickford was the first actress who showed that a simple and natural style was more effective on the screen than dramatic arm-waving. Charlie Chaplin with his clumsy ways and baggy pants became the most famous actor due to his comedies. Hollywood, on the west coast of the USA, became the centre of the film industry because the climate and the surroundings suited to the business. In the mid-twenties the first sound pictures and animated cartoons appeared. But the most famous cartoons were made by Walt Disney and his studio.

The Russian films The Battleship Potemkin /1925/ and October /1928/ became the landmarks of the new art and are still considered masterpieces of the cinema. The producer of both was Sergei Eisenstein.

In 1927 the sound track was developed and since 1930 most films were made with sound. They got the name of “talkies”. The first colour film was The Wizard of Oz /1939/.

After World War II the film industry continued to develop successfully, and every year we witness more and more elaborate tricks, effects and new styles of acting. Special effects have an important place in films. Now many of them can be electronically produced and controlled: among the names that make every film fan give out a cry of joy are Steven Speilberg and Federico Fellini, Anjey Waida and Nikita Mikhalkov.

Every film begins with a script that includes instructions for the production team and the script for the actors. The producer is responsible for the whole administration of the film, that means control of the finances and hiring the cast and the technical crew. But there is too much work and the producer has several assistants. There is one more detail – films are not shot in the order of the script but in the convenient and economical order. The director is the person who controls the actual making of the film. The assistant director takes care of the daily shooting arrangements. No film can be shot without the camera crew that includes camera operators and lightning technicians. After the film has been shot, sound technicians record the sound and add sound effects such as gunshots, music, etc. Then the film is developed and printed. There comes the moment when the editor begins his work. Only edited film can be recorded and printed. That is why the world famous awards at the festivals in Cannes, Berlin, Moscow or New York are given not only to the actors.

Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the modern way of life. There is none denying the fact that the cinema is an excellent vehicle of culture. Its possibilities are unlimited. In the earliest years of the cinema its power to show contemporary events was recognized and appreciated. More than anything else this unique quality secured popularity for the film as a new form of instruction and entertainment. That’s why the cinema is considered to be one of the best ways of spending their leisure time.

There are a lot of different kinds of films: feature films, theatrical films, horror films, thriller films, popular science films, travelogues, mystery films, documentaries, animated cartoon films. Besides, the films may be color or black and white, full-length or short, sound or silent, dubbed in mother tongue, three-dimensional or wide-screen.

We can see films either in the cinema or on the TV. As I am often short of time, I have practically no time for going to the cinema. For this reason I see films on television more frequently. But sometimes I manage to go to the cinema. I prefer feature films and amusing comedies. It’s a pity the life is so difficult nowadays and I want to relax a little, sometimes even to laugh. But at the same time I am fond of true-to-life films describing the life of the ordinary people, their feelings and problems. Such films move me deeply, they arouse the feelings of sympathy or hatred for the heroes. As a rule such films leave a deep and lasting impression upon me.

A modern cinema program contains a newsreel which shows us pictures of important recent developments. It is usually shown before a feature film and it’s often worth seeing. Sometimes they show animated cartoon film at seeing which the audience is in a state of excitement from the beginning to the end. Especially I like Walt Disney’s cartoons “Duck Tales”, or “Vinnie-the-Pooh’s Adventures”. In my opinion the animated cartoon films are popular both with children and adults.
Showing the educational films is arranged mainly for schoolchildren and students.

In Great Britain and the USA the cinemas (“movies” as they often call them) sell more than one billion tickets a year. Movies are also shown on television and can be rented or purchased as a DVD-recorder. People in these countries are equipped with video recorders in their majority. Although people once feared that television would ruin movie industry, movie popularity has soared in recent years in these countries. Attending movies is a relatively inexpensive leisure time activity that is very popular.

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