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Test 2B

TEST  2B  (Units 7-12)

A.  Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1.  Who called the ambulance?
2.  A famous designer is going to make her wedding dress.
3.  When did Clare fax the report?
4.  They don’t publish the newspaper every day.
5.  Why is the Minister of Education making an announcement at the moment?
6.   The policeman will question all the suspects tomorrow.
7.  They had cleaned my flat by the time I arrived.
8.  Who has written this novel?
9.  Careless drivers cause a lot of accidents.
10.  Somebody was recording our conversation.
11.  We found that they had cancelled the game.
12. They will install the central heating in the building.
13.  Who gave you this book?
14.  Our parents have planned the party for us.
15.  Has Doris sent out the invitations?                  (45 marks)

B. Fill in the correct particle from the list.
             out, across, up, back,into, round, down
1. Come ……… soon. We’d love to see you again.
2. Why don’t you come………… for tea this afternoon?.
3.  When do schools break ……… for summer holidays?
4. A fire broke…….. during the night.
5. He came ……. a fortune when his father passed away.
6. Our car broke ……….  in the middle of a busy road.
7.  Thieves tried to  break ………our  house last night.
8.  I was cleaning the attic when I came…… a valuable old watch.            (16 marks)

C. Choose the correct item.

1.  To her………….. , her son was not seriously injured.
A. wonder      B. hope           C.fear              D. relief

2.  He …………  the man’s name in my ear.
A. whispered  B. howled       C. asked                     D. screamed

3. Two passengers………….. when the ship sank.
A. rescued      B. occupied    C. drowned    D. gathered

4.  They were  so ………   after the long walk that they had to rest.
A. painful       B. relieved                  C. sharp          D. exhausted

5.  She …………..  the guests into the sitting room
A. marched     B. attacked     C. led              D. entered

6.  I …………. from university by the year 2000.
A. will have graduated          B. will graduate          C will be graduating   D. am going to graduate       

7. The warrior held up his………. to protect himself
A. oar              B. shield         C. club                        D.  sword                (14 marks)

D.  Underline the correct word.

1   Thomas Edison invented/ discovered the light bulb..
2.  The diamonds in this necklace are not real/ true.
3.  The car skidded/ slipped across the road and hit a tree.
4.  He dropped/ fell from the tree and broke his leg.
5.  It’s rude to stare/ glance at people.
6.  “Please, let/leave me go to the concert tonight!” Sarah asked her father!
7.  Dry sticks were creaking/ crackling in the fire.
8.  I didn’t understand/ realize how late it was.
9.  Sam glanced/ stared over his shoulder and realized that the man was still following him.
10.  Drop/ Fall your gun!” the policeman shouted.                      (10 marks)

E. Fill in the correct tense.

1.  Helen  1)……..  (live) in England for the past two years, but she 2)………  (still/ have) some
Problems  with the language.  Every time she 3)………….  (try) to speak, she is afraid she 4)…………
(make)   a mistake. Most people who 5)…………. (learn) a foreign language may feel this way. The best thing to do is to keep talking.                                        (15 marks)

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