Live to Work. I have had the pleasure of working with some fantastic people in my volunteer positions. The individuals are truly remarkable as their profession drives them to become better people. You know who I am talking about- the front line workers in agencies, the child and youth workers, the teachers. These individuals don’t do the work that they do for the money. Let’s face it, they don’t make all that much. For them, for most of them anyway, it is about helping those who need help. One of my best friends’ mom works as an end-of-life nurse in the childrens’ ward. That is the most difficult job I have heard of. Yet, she does it day after day because to her it’s important that someone is there to take care of these children. One of my other friends work in Toronto as a fundraiser for a youth charity. He spends his days contacting different funders to raise funds so the youth in his neighbourhood have a place to go after school. There are many other examples th...